(Copy of Wang Xizhi's The Orchid Pavilion. The original doesn't exist because a dumb emperor buried it with him. A famous example of running script.)
“Preface to The Orchid Pavilion"
by, Wang Xizhi
Translated by Yoyo
永 和 九 年
The 9th year of Yonghe's reign (353 AD)
歲 在 癸 丑
50th year of the sexgenary cycle
暮 春 之 初
The beginning of the third month
會 于 會 稽 山 陰 之 蘭 亭
There was a gathering at Kuaiji Shanyin orchid pavilion
修 禊 事 也
to administer the events of the "Lustration Festival"
(This is an ancient ritual ceremony to rid bad luck)
群 賢 畢 至
All in the group were virtuous
少 長 咸 集
Young and old gathered
此 地 有 崇 山 峻 嶺
This place has high mountains, steep slopes
茂 林 修 竹
Luxuriant forest, tall bamboo
又 有 清 流 激 湍
Also clear, rapid flowing streams
映 帶 左 右
Elements of scenery are set off left and right
引 以 為 流 觴 曲 水
Because of this water leads meandering wine cups.
列 坐 其 次
They arrange themselves in proper order
雖 無 絲 竹 管 絃 之 盛
Though there is no pipes and string in [this] spectacular event
一 觴 一 詠
They drink wine and write poetry
亦 足 以 暢 敘 幽 情
Fully expressing their innermost thoughts
是 日 也
天 朗 氣 情
The day is good with energy and motion
惠 風 和 暢
A gentle breeze is warm and comfortable
仰 觀 宇 宙 之 大
We look up and face the vast cosmos
俯 察 品 類 之 盛
We bow and examine all creation
所 以 游 目 騁 懷
Look as far as we can see and give free reign to our emotions
足 以 極 視 聽 之 娛
Sight and sound satisfied to the fullest extreme
信 可 樂 也
Indeed this is happiness
夫 人 之 相 與
Well now, people mingle with each other
俯 仰 一 世
In one instant, one lifetime passes
或 取 諸 懷 抱
Those who keep their [ambitions] in their hearts
晤 言 一 室 之 內
Have conversation face to face in a room
或 因 寄 所 託
They entrust everything upon others
放 浪 形 骸 之 外
Outwardly they are unrestrained
雖 趣 舍 萬 殊
Though there are a myriad of things
靜 躁 不 同
Quiet and activity are the not the same
當 其 欣 於 所 遇
When they encounter someone that makes them happy
暫 得 於 己
That instant reaches me
快 然 自 足
Quickly they are self content
曾不 知 老 之 將 至
They simply did not know that they will encounter old age in the future
(Reference to bacon lover's Analects)
及 其 所 之 既 倦
When they are tired of the direction they are going
情 隨 事 遷
Thoughts and emotion change with circumstances
感 慨 係 之 矣
One's emotion follows suit
向 之 所 欣
The happy people of the past
俛 仰 之 間
An instant of time
已 為 陳 跡
All became old
猶 不 能 不 以 之 興 懷
And yet one cannot help but feel exhausted at heart
況 修 短 隨 化
When one conforms to the length of their lifespan
終 期 於 盡
The life of a person must come to an end
古 人 云
The ancients say
死 生 亦 大 矣
Life and death is grand
豈 不 痛 哉
How could it not hurt?
每 覽 昔 人 興 感 之 由
Everytmie I glance at the people of the past for th reason to have roused another
若 合 一 契
It fits together like a tally.
(A tally is an object used to confirm the identity of the other. Usually, a tally is split into two pieces that fit together. So if a guard needed to enter a fort, one solider would fit the tally to another to confirm each other's identity. See bottom.)
未 嘗 不 臨 文 嗟 悼
I sadly sigh because I cannot experience looking over this piece of writing
不 能 喻 之 於 懷
Unable to understand it in my heart
固 知 一 死 生 為 虛 誕
And so I consider life and death preposterous
齊 彭 殤 為 妄 作
To put life and death on par is preposterous
後 之 視 今
When later generations look now
亦 猶 今 之 視 昔
It's also like the people now looking into the past
悲 夫
There is sadness
故 列 敘 時 人
For this reason when I lay out and express people today
錄 其 所 述
Record what they said
雖 世 殊 事 異
Though the age is different and events unusual
所 以 興 懷
What's confined in the heart
其 致 一 也
Their delight is the same
後 之 覽 者
Those of the future who look
亦 將 有 感 於 斯 文
Will feel these words.
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