Saturday, January 26, 2013

Preface to The Orchid Pavilion

The text that inspired me to major in Chinese.  Enough said.

Orchid Pavilion

(Copy of Wang Xizhi's The Orchid Pavilion.  The original doesn't exist because a dumb emperor buried it with him.  A famous example of running script.)


“Preface to The Orchid Pavilion"


by, Wang Xizhi

Translated by Yoyo

永 和 九 年

The 9th year of Yonghe's reign (353 AD)

歲 在 癸 丑

50th year of the sexgenary cycle

暮 春 之 初

The beginning of the third month

會 于 會 稽 山 陰 之 蘭 亭

There was a gathering at Kuaiji Shanyin orchid pavilion

修 禊 事 也

to administer the events of the "Lustration Festival"

(This is an ancient ritual ceremony to rid bad luck)

 群 賢 畢 至

All in the group were virtuous

 少 長 咸 集

Young and old gathered

此 地 有 崇 山 峻 嶺

This place has high mountains, steep slopes

茂 林 修 竹

Luxuriant forest, tall bamboo

  又 有 清 流 激 湍

Also clear, rapid flowing streams

  映 帶 左 右

Elements of scenery are set off left and right

 引 以 為 流 觴 曲 水

Because of this water leads meandering wine cups.

 列 坐 其 次

They arrange themselves in proper order

 雖 無 絲 竹 管 絃 之 盛

Though there is no pipes and string in [this] spectacular event

 一 觴 一 詠

They drink wine and write poetry

 亦 足 以 暢 敘 幽 情

Fully expressing their innermost thoughts

是 日 也


 天 朗 氣 情

The day is good with energy  and motion

 惠 風 和 暢

A gentle breeze is warm and comfortable

 仰 觀 宇 宙 之 大

We look up and face the vast cosmos

 俯 察 品 類 之 盛

We bow and examine all creation

所 以 游 目 騁 懷

Look as far as we can see and give free reign to our emotions

足 以 極 視 聽 之 娛

Sight and sound satisfied to the fullest extreme

信 可 樂 也

Indeed this is happiness

夫 人 之 相 與

Well now, people mingle with each other

俯 仰 一 世

In one instant, one lifetime passes

或 取 諸 懷 抱

Those who keep their [ambitions] in their hearts

晤 言 一 室 之 內

Have conversation face to face in a room

 或 因 寄 所 託

They entrust everything upon others

放 浪 形 骸 之 外

Outwardly they are unrestrained

雖 趣 舍 萬 殊

Though there are a myriad of things

靜 躁 不 同

Quiet and activity are the not the same

 當 其 欣 於 所 遇

When they encounter someone that makes them happy

 暫 得 於 己

That instant reaches me

快 然 自 足

Quickly they are self content

曾不 知 老 之 將 至

They simply did not know that they will encounter old age in the future

(Reference to bacon lover's Analects)

及 其 所 之 既 倦

When they are tired of the direction they are going

情 隨 事 遷

Thoughts and emotion change with circumstances

感 慨 係 之 矣

One's emotion follows suit

向 之 所 欣

The happy people of the past

俛 仰 之 間

An instant of time

已 為 陳 跡

All became old

猶 不 能 不 以 之 興 懷

And yet one cannot help but feel exhausted at heart

 況 修 短 隨 化

When one conforms to the length of their lifespan

 終 期 於 盡

The life of a person must come to an end

古 人 云

The ancients say

死 生 亦 大 矣

Life and death is grand

豈 不 痛 哉

How could it not hurt?

每 覽 昔 人 興 感 之 由

Everytmie I glance at the people of the past for th reason to have roused another

若 合 一 契

It fits together like a tally.

(A tally is an object used to confirm the identity of the other.  Usually, a tally is split into two pieces that fit together.  So if a guard needed to enter a fort, one solider would fit the tally to another to confirm each other's identity. See bottom.)

未 嘗 不 臨 文 嗟 悼

I sadly sigh because I cannot experience looking over this piece of writing

 不 能 喻 之 於 懷

Unable to understand it in my heart

 固 知 一 死 生 為 虛 誕

And so I consider life and death preposterous

齊 彭 殤 為 妄 作

To put life and death on par is preposterous

後 之 視 今

When later generations look now

 亦 猶 今 之 視 昔

It's also like the people now looking into the past

悲 夫

There is sadness

 故 列 敘 時 人

For this reason when I lay out and express people today

 錄 其 所 述

Record what they said

 雖 世 殊 事 異

Though the age is different and events unusual

 所 以 興 懷

What's confined in the heart

其 致 一 也

Their delight is the same

後 之 覽 者

Those of the future who look

 亦 將 有 感 於 斯 文

Will feel these words.



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